
ir-i-dol-ogy (ca. 1923): the study of the iris of the eye for indications of bodily health and disease

This non-intrusive look at the iris of each eye can help identify areas of health concerns and strengths through an analysis of the body's processes. This age-old science reviews the colored part of the eye to provide insight into various aspects of the individual such as physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual functions.

Through the nerve endings in the brain that come through the iris and the different patterns that are created by the information that these nerve endings hold, a trained iridologist is able to determine the various conditions that a person may be experiencing. Iridology can be used to identify trends in a person's health over time.

The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

We have probably all heard that phrase at one time or another...but it is truly an accurate description when we are referring to the science of iridology.

Iridology is literally the study of the iris, or the colored part of the eye. It is an age-old science, that has been used for hundreds of years to help evaluate a person's or animal's health picture. Some would trace this practice of looking into someone's eyes for health reasons back to biblical times, but more recently the story goes back to Budapest, where a young boy named Ignatz Peczely caught an owl in the family garden. In its capture, the owl sustained an injury, and Ignatz noticed, what was described as a bolt of lightning in the owl's eye at the time of the injury. The marking that suddenly appeared in the owl's eye was on the same side as the injury.


As the story goes, the owl began to heal and as this healing occurred the marking in the eye also changed...Ignatz remained very curious about these changes he had observed, and as an adult in medical school, he began to study this phenomenon in his patients. As time went on, he developed the first maps, or blueprints of the iris, and although more detailed, these maps are essentially the same guidelines used today in the practice of iridology.

What does an iridologist look for in someone's eyes? As anyone might notice the first indicator of someone's genetic or constitutional typing is the color. Be it blue, brown, green or somewhere in between, the color of the iris itself, gives a significant amount of information as to a person's genetic predisposition. The more specific, individual information is gathered through magnification of some sort. A hand held magnifying glass is a possibility, however the more reliable magnification comes through the use of a slit lamp, or a specialized camera and lens.

Under high magnification, the iris of the eye displays many different kinds of characteristics, that relate to the information that the nerve endings in the brain hold. These characteristics vary in size, shape, color, and placement, and much like is experienced in reflexology, the individual characteristics are reflective of what has happened, is happening, or is potentially going to happen in and about the client's body and being. Depending on the specifics of these varying characteristics, a trained and experienced iridologist is able to evaluate and determine areas of strength, weakness, nutritional deficiencies and excesses, a person's learning style, talents, personality tendencies and much, much more.

Using iridology is a non-intrusive way of gathering information as to where an individual might be headed physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. It is an amazing tool that when used properly can get to the source of many different symptoms, and is truly a way of seeing the entire person all at once.

Iridology continues to gain more main stream acceptance in this country, and is quite often used as a compliment to the more traditional ways of evaluating someone's heath scenario. As with all complimentary modalities, iridology is not meant to replace or contradict medical diagnosis in any way. It is simply another way to non-intrusively gain information. Something we can never have too much of when it comes to our own health.

Consider adding an iridology session along your journey of self-discovery, and you will never look at your eyes or anyone else's eyes in the same way!

How Iridology Is Performed

Iridology, or the study of the iris of the eye, is a non-intrusive process of analysis of the body's processes.

Through the nerve endings in the brain that come out through the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the different patterns that are created by the information that these nerve endings hold a trained iridologist is able to determine the various conditions that a person may be experiencing.

Melody Masters, C.N., is a certified iridologist and, over the past 30 years, has built her wellness counseling practice based on this scientific tool of analysis.

The first step in iris analysis is for Melody to take a picture of your irises. This is a painless process, and is done with a very specialized camera and magnified lens. Melody then begins the process of closely examining all of the patterns in the irises in order to give the most accurate information to you.

Melody reviews the detailed pictures with you so you can see the patterns she is referring to. By recognizing the different patterns, structures, and colors of the iris, Melody is able to determine genetic strengths and weaknesses, nutritional needs, learning styles, talents, emotional issues, and much more.

All of the body's systems are considered. These include, but are not limited to: the endocrine system, digestive and eliminative systems, and circulatory and hormonal workings. Melody checks all of the major organs for their strengths and weaknesses, and considers how stress may or may not be affecting your overall health experience.


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No one way forward works for all people. Your individual health picture is different from anyone else's and therefore your care should be customized for your specific situation.

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