About Halcyon Health LLC


Melody Masters, C.N., is a certified nutritionist and NIRA certified iridologist. She has been practicing in Northern Colorado for more than 40 years. She is also an active LumiCeuticals harmonic light Ambassador, practitioner, and consultants; a level two Aura-Soma practitioner; a L.I.F.E. Biofeedback practitioner, and is the owner of Halcyon Health, LLC.  Melody's goal is to encourage and empower people to become more informed and involved in their own health care.

Melody Masters, C.N.

Care With Flexibility


Melody Masters, C.N., offers a variety of ways in which she can meet and work with you.

In addition to meeting with her at her office, some modalities can be conducted over the phone or Skype, or just remotely with intent set in advance after initial in-person sessions. This allows you the flexibility to fit wellness into your busy schedule when it's most convenient.

Sessions take from 90 minutes to two hours, depending on the modality, and are a non-intrusive, yet amazingly accurate way of receiving information about your whole being.

Based on the information collected, Melody puts together guidelines specifically designed to meet your unique needs. As a certified nutritionist, Melody includes dietary suggestions as well as supplements when appropriate. She works closely with you to put together a program to meet your healing and optimal health goals.

While alternative health practices are becoming more widely used, insurance companies have yet to embrace them. Please contact Melody for the most up-to-date pricing.


Services Gallery

Harmonic Light Sessions Iridology Nutrition AuraSoma(r) Supplementation Other Services

Philosophy of Consultation

No one way forward works for all people. Your individual health picture is different from anyone else's and therefore your care should be customized for your specific situation.

Contact Halcyon

For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Cell/Text: 970.690.7449
Email: melody@melody-masters.com
Web: www.halcyonhealth.net